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Here you will find information about the owners and how B.E. came to be!

Blacksmith Entertainment was started in 2012. The idea came about after Beth had the idea to create a company that has more then just musical artists. B.E. is so much more then just music. They offer photography, DJ services, and even paranormal investigations. If they don't have it, they will do their best to help you get it or find it.  Beth and her husband Russ work in this company. Both bring a variety of personality to the table. Russ is also a musician. 

Beth graduated from the New York Institute of Photography in 2009. She founded Beth Blacksmith Photography in 2010. In her free time she loves spending time with her family, friends, and just relaxing. Beth is also ordained. 

Beth Blacksmith 


Russ started performing in 2010. He received his Reverend credentials in 2009. He has performed a few weddings. Russ loves all different kinds of music. When he has free time he likes to be with family, friends, making beats and music. 

Russ Blacksmith


Reverend Services 

Do you need a Revered to do your wedding? Are you on a budget? Looking for someone without all the hassle of counseling sessions? Reverend Russ is the man! He's done many weddings, He's affordable, energetic, funny, just an all around good guy. Book him now!


Upon booking he gives you 3 options for your vows. 

A.) Write your own

B.) Have him write them

C.) Stay traditional 


Fees are as followed


1. A non-refundable $50 deposit will be made

2. If traveling outside of Des Moines, Iowa a small traveling fee will be placed

3. Day of the wedding remaining $50 will be paid as well as any other fees. 


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